With all the talks about food waste and different ways people can adopt to reduce their food waste, there are still some misconceptions and myths about food.
So here are 3 common myths debunked - so you can also join efforts in reducing food waste!
Myth 1: Use-by Dates Are to Be Adhered by.
This myth is one of the most common ones as people tend to throw their food away when they see that it is past the date that is labelled on the packaging. However, these dates are only suggestions by the manufacturers for when they believe the food is at its peak quality and not when it is unsafe to eat.
However, with that being said, there are still certain foods that date labels should be adhered by, such as those of ready-made-food and for foods that have been through temperature changes - such as frozen meat being left out in the heat for too long.
Myth 2: Ugly Food is Bad.
Beauty is only skin deep - and this is true for vegetables and foods as well!
Just because some products do not turn out looking as good as the others, does not mean that it has lost its primary purpose of giving nutritional value to the consumers. However, this common misconception has led to tons of foods being thrown away just because it did not make the cut aesthetically.
As business owners, you may think that these foods will not look appetizing to your consumers but there are restaurants like Plentyfull in Singapore that curated a menu using Ugly Food - thus reducing food waste.
Myth 3: We Need More Food to End World Hunger.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), we will have to increase food production by 70% to feed the growing population. However, if there is a food waste reduction of 50% globally by 2020, we do not need a 70% increase in food production.
This shows the impact of reducing food waste and what it can do to reduce world hunger. Hence, consumers and businesses alike can work towards reducing their food waste and work towards more sustainable food consumption.
The More You Know.
People tend to have misconceptions of food, especially when it comes to consuming them, as their own health and safety is being compromised if the food goes bad - this will inevitably lead to food, that is safe for consumption, being thrown away and this contributes to the growing food waste problem faced globally.
The next time you hear these misconceptions being brought up, debunk them and you are doing your part to reduce food waste!